Travel time for drivers is based on specific driving distances from our lot to the job and back. Manhattan is divided into three parts, and Brooklyn and Queens are divided by zip code.
In order to determine the time to arrive to the lot in the AM, please find the zip code that corresponds with your morning job on our travel time chart. Use this chart again to find the travel time for your return trip.
NOTE: These times do not account for drivers arriving late to the lot.
Regarding off-truck route violations, please familiarize yourself with these routes or risk 2 points on your license. Rabbit may not be able to get your ticket dismissed.
Links below for red light camera locations and NYC truck route maps
(As of 10/3, these rates apply unless there is an astericks in the job title!)
1M/V or NV = $90
2M/V or NV = $110
3M/V or NV = $130
4M/V or NV = $150
1M/16'T = $100
2M/16'T = $120
3M/16'T = $140
4M/16'T = $160
1M/20'T = $110
2M/20'T = $130
3M/20'T = $150
4M/20'T = $170
1M/24'T = $120
2M/24'T = $140
3M/24'T = $160
4M/24'T = $180
Terence is Field Manager for weekdays
Terence can be reached at 412.443.8714 in case of an emergency
Travis is Field Manager for weekends
Travis can be reached at 786.281.3458 in case of an emergency
can no longer be put on credit cards, so make sure you ask for cash!
Important Notes:
*Send your availability to Marina at on the 1st and the 15th of every month. If she does not have your availability, you will not receive work.
*Remember to wrap at least one half of a mattress with a blanket after covering it with plastic to avoid damage.
*Paychecks can be picked up between 10a & 4p on Wednesdays or any weekday thereafter at the office: 33 Washington St, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
*The Rabbit lot is located at approximately 327 Bond St, Brooklyn, NY 11231 (it's smack on the corner of Bond and President streets)
If you cannot work, you need to find a replacement from the list below and call Terence immediately.
Call the office or Terence as soon as you have a suspicion that you may need an extra mover in order to make it in time to your next job.
Remember to give the customer a contact number so they can reach you if necessary.
Remember to communicate with your second customer as soon as you know you may be late and to give them regular updates.
*Please fill out B.O.L.'s & O.F.S.'s fully and correctly - we've been receiving many incomplete/incorrect ones lately. If you have questions about how to fill them out properly, please call Terence.
*When taking credit card information, PLEASE get all of the following:
* name on the card
* address associated with the card (please ask) WITH zip code
* credit card number
* expiration date
* security code (last 3 digits on back for Visa, MC and 4 digits on front for Amex)
Remember to explain to the customer which route you are taking to get to their drop-off. They often don't realize that you may have to take a different route because you are commercial.
Remember to park as far back in the lot as possible in a straight line like dominoes. Please leave minimal space between trucks (3' max).
If the gas in the vehicle you are driving goes below 1/4 tank, please fill it. Gas cards are in all vehicles.
If you're bringing your bike to the lot please lock it to the fence in the very front near the car that's for sale. Landlord gets upset otherwise.
If you don't see your name on the phone list to the left, let us know so we can add you.